Drain tracing or mapping is the method by which the layout of drains is established to create a map of the drainage system in any given area or around a certain property.
A sonde or transmitter is attached to the head of a CCTV drain camera or crawler camera (in large pipes) and placed in the drain, pipe or sewer and sent in the direction required, the transmitter sends a sonar pulse out and the engineer follows it above ground using a receiver. The pulse signal is sent out from the sonde in a circular or arch configuration. The drainage engineer adjusts the receiver so that he has a minimal signal. At this point, they will be directly over the top of the transmitter or sonde. The receiver will give the exact location and equally important the depth of the drain. An accurate physical map of the drains is created and supplied, and footage and stills from a CCTV survey is supplied to provide a comprehensive record of the drains layout. for more information regarding drain tracing please get in touch getintouch@w-drains.co.uk or call us on 01789 713 333 and ask to speak to one of our professionals.